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1080P/2160P高清电影区 今日: 31 |主题: 20888|排名: 1 

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[1080p] 超越巅峰 The Climbers High 2008 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 12.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-7-21 9814522 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 22:23
[1080p] 美国战队:世界警察 Team.America.World.Police.2004.1080p.BluRay.x264 7.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2013-7-21 14617773 sizhi20000 2024-6-24 13:43
[1080p] 我妻子的一切/家有刁妻 All About My Wife 2012 Bluray 1080p DTS x264-CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2013-7-21 14317318 dingzujun 2024-5-9 17:18
[1080p] 全面回忆 [4K高码重制] Total.Recall.2012.1080p.4K.Remastered.BluRay.x264 11.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 HDCHD 2013-7-21 25331981 fdkboy 2024-7-15 21:18
[1080p] 红猪/飞天红猪侠 [国/粤/日三语][宫崎骏] Porco Rosso 1992 BluRay 1080p DTS 9.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 HDCHD 2013-7-21 25729993 flysky8116 2024-8-7 14:02
[1080p] 斯巴达300勇士 [10bit 国/粤/英/三语] 300 2006 Blu-ray 1080p x264-Hi10P TrueHD5.1 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..38 HDCHD 2013-7-19 37331764 xyzhj 2025-1-9 18:04
[1080p] 遁入虚无 (无删减版) Enter the Void 2009 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 14G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2013-7-19 19721621 blacksun0122 2024-4-14 23:07
[1080p] 叶问:终极一战 [国粤双语] Ip.Man.The.Final.Fight.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2013-7-19 19018859 风-破浪 2024-9-21 19:51
[1080p] 缺席 Absence.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-7-19 10613135 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:24
[1080p] 双龙会 [国语中字] Twin Dragons 1992 BluRay 1080p AC3 x264-CHD 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2013-7-19 12716621 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:22
[1080p] 黑色摇滚 Black.Rock.2012.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 6.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456 HDCHD 2013-7-19 5310262 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:20
[1080p] 苦妓回忆录 Memoria De Mis Putas Tristes 2012 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD MA 5.1 x264 9.4G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..21 HDCHD 2013-7-19 20617059 jayzeng 2025-1-11 14:27
[1080p] 叛国者 Traitor.2008.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 12.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-7-19 13016405 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:17
[1080p] 蒙古王/成吉思汗/铁木真 Mongol.2007.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 14.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-7-19 13921004 yu_sru 2024-7-2 14:50
[1080p] 黑衣人/黑超特警组 [4K制作] Men.In.Black.1997.Mastered.In.4k.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 9.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..17 HDCHD 2013-7-19 16021534 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:13
[1080p] 叶问:终极一战 [国粤双语] Ip Man Final Fight 2013 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2013-7-18 17818358 风-破浪 2024-9-21 19:49
[1080p] 缺席 Absence.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 5.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-7-18 8411646 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 21:09
[1080p] 五个扑水的少年 Waterboys.2001.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-HDWinG 8.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2013-7-18 10813092 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:24
[1080p] 军官与绅士/冲上云霄 An Officer and a Gentleman 1982 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 16G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-7-18 9113323 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:22
[1080p] 人鬼情未了 Ghost 2010 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 10.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2013-7-18 11214078 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:21
[1080p] 黑色摇滚 Black.Rock.2012.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 5.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2013-7-18 6810643 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:19
[1080p] 剑风传奇 黄金时代篇3: 降临 (限制级版) Berserk:The Golden Age Arc 3-Advent Uncensored 2013 1080p attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2013-7-18 31530975 小二无线 2024-5-6 01:31
[1080p] 红猪 [宫崎骏] Porco.Rosso.1992.1080p.BluRay.X264 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2013-7-17 15816265 jayzeng 2025-1-11 15:23
[1080p] 犯罪分子 Offender.2012.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 6.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-7-17 9111948 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:13
[1080p] 火速搭档/贪恋与背叛 Rushlights.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-7-17 9814394 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:12
[1080p] 神驹贾鲁普 Jappeloup.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2013-7-17 17216056 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:10
[1080p] 我们是贵族 Nosotros.los.Nobles.2013.1080p.x264.DTS-HDWinG 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2013-7-17 19718232 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 20:08
[1080p] 大鱼奇缘 Big fish 2003 BluRay 1080p x264 DTS-WiKi 10.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..36 HDCHD 2013-7-16 35928232 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 19:24
[1080p] 乐与路/手拉你(台) Solanin 2010 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2013-7-16 12912953 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 19:22
[1080p] 新城杀手 New Town Killers 2008 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-7-16 13512962 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 19:20
[1080p] 狂暴 [未剪切版] Rampage.2009.Uncut.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 11.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 HDCHD 2013-7-16 27320018 liyucn 2024-10-17 22:56
[1080p] 星河战队 Starship.Troopers.1997.US.Bluray.1080p.TrueHD.x264 14.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..30 HDCHD 2013-7-16 29627668 jayzeng 2025-1-11 15:00
[1080p] 劫后余生/大地震 Aftershock.2012.LIMITED.1080p.BluRay.x264 6.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-7-16 13915713 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 19:15
[1080p] 饮食男女 Eat.Drink.Man.Woman.1994.1080p.BluRay.x264 7.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 HDCHD 2013-7-16 22924743 风-破浪 2025-1-26 13:09
[1080p] 喜宴 The.Wedding.Banquet.1993.1080p.BluRay.x264 7.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..33 HDCHD 2013-7-16 32723703 slurry 2024-11-23 19:09
[1080p] 推手 Pushing.Hands.1992.1080p.BluRay.x264 7.6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2013-7-16 15921047 slurry 2024-11-23 19:06
[1080p] 蒸发密令 [国英双语] Eraser 1996 BluRay 1080p 2Audio TrueHD 5.1 x264 8.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..27 HDCHD 2013-7-16 26328532 forice 2023-7-21 20:53
[1080p] 老千 The High Rollers 2006 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 12.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2013-7-16 19221738 whlcgmch 2024-1-17 21:20
[1080p] 开破车/断线人生 Kai po che 2013 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 12G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2013-7-16 14216218 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:18
[1080p] 背水一战 The.Last.Stand.2013.RERIP.(REPACK).Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-7.1.x264 14G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2013-7-16 18821219 koala991122 2024-9-23 12:27
[1080p] 暴力城市/同伙 The City of Violence 2006 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 7.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2013-7-15 9112149 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:15
[1080p] 高空飞行 Altitude.2010.1080p.BluRay.x264.AC3-HDWinG 8.7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2013-7-15 17114825 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:13
[1080p] 环大西洋/大西洋沿岸 Atlantic.Rim.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 4.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..22 HDCHD 2013-7-15 21523942 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:11
[1080p] 奥古斯丁/马甲下的情与欲 Augustine 2012 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2013-7-15 13013884 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:09
[1080p] 突然死亡 [中字] Sudden.Death.1995.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-HDWinG 13G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2013-7-15 8812892 星星点个灯 2023-7-16 12:08
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