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1080P/2160P高清电影区 今日: 40 |主题: 21254|排名: 1 

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[1080p] 黑金杀机 [加长版]The.Counselor.2013.UNRATED.EXTENDED.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 12G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..48 HDCHD 2014-1-30 47438427 风-破浪 2024-9-20 20:05
[1080p] 自私的巨人/刺蝟少年 The.Selfish.Giant.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 11.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-30 12315809 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 22:28
[1080p] 直布罗陀/毒网无间道 Gibraltar.2013.LIMITED.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 9.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2014-1-30 17621024 风-破浪 2024-9-25 13:15
[1080p] 我的生存之道 How.I.Live.Now.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 8.75G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2014-1-29 14417517 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 22:25
[1080p] 戴安娜/黛安娜(台) Diana 2013 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 10G heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-29 12514483 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 22:23
[1080p] 被偷走的那五年 The Stolen Years 2013 BluRay 1080p AC3 x264-CHD 8.25G 字幕 heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-1-29 19017618 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 22:21
[1080p] 奇迹的苹果 [中文字幕] Miracle Apples 2013 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 12G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-29 12317049 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:16
[1080p] 一切尽失/海上求生记 All.Is.Lost.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 HDCHD 2014-1-29 22725997 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:14
[1080p] 格蕾丝不插电 Grace.Unplugged.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 8.73G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2014-1-29 10613628 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:13
[1080p] 自私的巨人 The.Selfish.Giant.2013.LIMITED.1080p.BluRay.X264 6.55G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-28 12516287 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:11
[1080p] 火鸡总动员 Free.Birds.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2014-1-28 17718577 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:09
[1080p] 爆3俏娇娃 [国粤双语] Kick Ass Girls 2013 1080p BluRay x264-WiKi 7.95G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 HDCHD 2014-1-28 27125294 星星点个灯 2023-9-14 09:08
[1080p] 阳光丽思 Sunshine on Leith 2013 1080p BluRay X264 7.65G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-1-28 9412851 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 11:20
[1080p] 冲锋战警 [国粤双语] The Constable 2013 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..33 HDCHD 2014-1-28 32524822 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 11:19
[1080p] 禁闭岛 Shutter.Island.2010.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 18.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..40 HDCHD 2014-1-28 39128573 Hongshanling 2024-9-30 20:10
[1080p] 马贩子科尔哈斯 Age.Of.Uprising.The.Legend.Of.Michael.2013.1080p.BluRay x264 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-1-28 13714949 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 11:15
[1080p] 冒险家:宝盒的诅咒 The.Adventurer.The.Curse.Of.The.Midas.Box.2013.1080p.BD 7.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 HDCHD 2014-1-27 22627370 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 11:14
[1080p] 罗密欧与朱丽叶 Romeo.And.Juliet.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 10G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-1-27 13816769 stringvin 2024-7-2 19:37
[1080p] 行李认领 Baggage.Claim.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 8.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-1-27 9313038 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 09:34
[1080p] 机器战警 RoboCop.1987.US.Remastered.Directors.Cut.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 13.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..22 HDCHD 2014-1-27 21525514 chenytchenyt 2023-12-12 06:02
[1080p] 烽火赤焰万里情 Reds.1981.GER.Bluray.1080p.TrueHD.x264 23.4G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-1-27 8511126 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 09:30
[1080p] 低俗小说/危险人物 Pulp.Fiction.1994.POL.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 17.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..31 HDCHD 2014-1-27 30827818 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 09:28
[1080p] 笼中女人 The.Keeper.Of.Lost.Causes.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 8.15G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-1-27 13818995 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 09:27
[1080p] 被偷走的那五年 The.Stolen.Years.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 8.56G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..22 HDCHD 2014-1-27 21018142 星星点个灯 2023-9-13 09:25
[1080p] 金蝉脱壳 Escape.Plan.2013.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD-7.1.x264 15.6G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-27 12617387 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 22:44
[1080p] 妖夜慌踪 Lost.Highway.1997.FRE.Bluray.1080p.DTS-HD.x264 15G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2014-1-27 11716806 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 22:42
[1080p] 机器战警 RoboCop.1987.Remastered.Directors.Cut.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.5.1 9.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-1-27 15318642 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 22:40
[1080p] 博格曼 Borgman.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 8.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-1-27 9712932 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 22:38
[1080p] 僵尸 [国粤双语] Rigor.Mortis.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 7.95G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..27 HDCHD 2014-1-27 26927794 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 22:37
[1080p] 印度超人3 Krrish.3.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 11.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..17 HDCHD 2014-1-27 16919111 dukenukem 2024-3-14 14:46
[1080p] 戴安娜 [主演 金刚 美女娜奥米·沃茨] Diana.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..17 HDCHD 2014-1-27 16217938 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 21:32
[1080p] 僵尸 [国粤双语] Rigor Mortis 2013 1080p BluRay x264-WiKi 8.75G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..36 HDCHD 2014-1-26 35232503 chenganghyi2005 2023-11-15 15:28
[1080p] 贴身情人 / 两周情人 Two Weeks Notice 2002 1080p BluRay X264 7.65G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-1-26 12313289 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 21:28
[1080p] 续命枭雄 Dallas Buyers Club 2013 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 10.8G 字幕 heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2014-1-26 18615151 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 21:26
[1080p] 狩猎/诬网(港) Jagten.[The.Hunt].2012.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-ESiR 11.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 HDCHD 2014-1-26 24126277 psphenry 2024-2-3 13:38
[1080p] 葛洛莉亚/葛洛莉 Gloria.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264 9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2014-1-25 11215026 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 21:23
[1080p] 胡狼来了/女狼出任务(台) Codename Jackal 2012 1080p BluRay x264-WiKi 10G 字幕 heatlevel  ...23456..18 HDCHD 2014-1-25 17517678 zhanying 2023-11-24 00:41
[1080p] 逃离德黑兰 [加长版] Argo.2012.Extended.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-ESiR 15G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-1-25 19922887 sheen_hsu 2024-12-24 23:40
[1080p] 行李认领 Baggage.Claim.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 6.55G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-1-25 9312388 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 20:07
[1080p] 达拉斯买家俱乐部 Dallas.Buyers.Club.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.5.1.x264 9.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..22 HDCHD 2014-1-24 21818747 国分寺的夕阳 2024-12-24 08:36
[1080p] 扫毒 [国语] [战斗版的合伙人] The White Storm 2013 1080p WEB-DL x264 AC3 4.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..49 HDCHD 2014-1-24 48531656 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 20:03
[1080p] 金蝉脱壳/逃亡大计(港) Escape Plan 2013 BluRay 1080p DTS x264-CHD 9.5G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..63 HDCHD 2014-1-24 62142928 mpfiqqk 2024-7-15 14:29
[1080p] 达拉斯买家俱乐部 Dallas.Buyers.Club.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 8.75G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2014-1-24 18220536 异域雄狮 2024-11-23 22:18
[1080p] 火鸡总动员/火鸡反击战(港) Free.Birds.2013.1080p.BluRay.x264 5.46G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-1-23 19320560 异域雄狮 2024-10-27 13:36
[1080p] 金蝉脱壳/逃亡大计(港) Escape.Plan.2013.1080p.BluRay.DTS-HD.MA.7.1.x264 11.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..68 HDCHD 2014-1-23 67344035 星星点个灯 2023-9-12 19:04
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