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720P高清电影区 今日: 3 |主题: 7136|排名: 5 

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[720p] 抢劫坚果店/坚果行动(台) The.Nut.Job.2014.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 3.33G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-4-4 1389827 mencius_110 2017-11-13 19:02
[720p] 血缘关系/血缘 Blood.Ties.2013.720p.BluRay.x264 5.46G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2014-4-4 687030 lxysky149 2015-5-19 13:46
[720p] 桌面足球 Underdogs.aka.Metegol.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 3.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2014-4-4 1117612 lxysky149 2015-5-19 13:47
[720p] 地狱为何恶劣[中文字幕]Why Don‘t You Play in Hell 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-4-4 947145 lxysky149 2015-5-19 13:48
[720p] 大力神:传奇开始 The Legend of Hercules 2014 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 6G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-4-3 31121310 lxysky149 2015-5-19 13:49
[720p] 大力神/大力战神(港) The Legend of Hercules 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 5G 字幕 heatlevel  ...23456..27 HDCHD 2014-4-3 26712693 pudin 2016-1-19 01:51
[720p] 西游记之大闹天宫[国粤双语]The Monkey King 2014 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 5G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..28 HDCHD 2014-4-3 27515238 一试深浅小丽 2018-2-7 16:59
[720p] 合理怀疑 [中英字幕] Reasonable Doubt 2014 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 4.26G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-4-3 15012072 pudin 2016-1-20 12:35
[720p] 大地雄心 [国英双语] Far and Away 1992 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-4-3 877112 天上的龙 2024-4-26 12:36
[720p] 西游记之大闹天宫[国粤双语]The Monkey king 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..30 HDCHD 2014-4-3 29812923 ttzzgg 2020-9-13 19:45
[720p] 沟女不离三兄弟[国粤双语]The Best Plan Is No Plan 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiK 4.36G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..24 HDCHD 2014-4-3 23315554 whgyxc 2016-12-24 14:16
[720p] 西游记之大闹天宫 [国粤双语 中字]The.Monkey.King.2014.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 4.87G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..23 HDCHD 2014-4-3 22712250 netpp6 2017-3-6 22:58
[720p] 大力神: 传奇开始[中文字幕]The.Legend.Of.Hercules.2014.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 4.37G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-4-2 31420899 mengzhiming 2015-7-15 21:00
[720p] 黑人版基督诞生记 Black.Nativity.2013.720p.BluRay.x264 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-4-2 1296550 pudin 2016-1-20 17:30
[720p] 侠探杰克/烈探狙击(港) Jack Reacher 2012 720p BluRay DTS x264 6.78G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-4-2 1569624 598844919 2018-9-5 23:22
[720p] 白狗 White.Dog.1982.720p.BluRay.x264 3.95G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-4-2 984971 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:41
[720p] 基哥们 Date.and.Switch.2014.720p.BluRay.x264 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2014-4-2 726875 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:43
[720p] 南北之殇/内战之痛 Copperhead.2013.LIMITED.720p.BluRay.x264 5.46G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-4-2 1547531 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:49
[720p] 小马王/小马精灵 Spirit.Stallion.of.the.Cimarron.2002.720p.BluRay.X264 2.18G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-4-1 807423 吴敢逃 2015-10-5 11:00
[720p] 成名机会/翻声吧!保罗 One.Chance.2013.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-HDW 4.24G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-4-1 917178 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:50
[720p] 前任攻略 EX-Files.2014.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AC3 3.9G heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-4-1 31717418 无缘的恋人2012 2023-10-10 05:46
[720p] 破碎之城/ 惊爆危城(台) Broken City 2013 US BluRay 720p DTS x264 4.35G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-4-1 19112877 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:52
[720p] 吓破胆 / 阴魂不散 Tourist.Trap.1979.720p.BluRay.x264 3.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 HDCHD 2014-4-1 695209 pudin 2016-1-18 08:17
[720p] 唐·海明威 Dom.Hemingway.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 3.9G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2014-4-1 1098242 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:55
[720p] 鬼影实录:诅咒 Paranormal.Activity.The.Marked.Ones.2014.EXTENDED.720p.BluRay.DTS attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2014-3-31 726132 adjclubyb 2016-1-4 20:45
[720p] 剧场版魔法少女小圆 新篇:叛逆的故事[中字]2013 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 5.48G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-3-31 817627 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:57
[720p] 小叮当与海盗仙子 The Pirate Fairy 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264 3.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2014-3-31 1017286 lxysky149 2015-5-19 16:57
[720p] 斯巴达300勇士/300死士 300 2006 BluRay 720p DTS x264 7.93G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..21 HDCHD 2014-3-31 20713006 598844919 2022-7-18 17:57
[720p] 起风了 [宫崎骏作品][粤语中字] The.Wind.Rises.2013.720p.HDRip.x264.AAC 1.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..39 HDCHD 2014-3-31 38726562 znzhou 2025-2-6 16:54
[720p] 时间简史 A.Brief.History.Of.Time.1991.Criterion.Collection.720p.BluRay.DTS 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..19 HDCHD 2014-3-30 18311599 hc880221 2015-10-25 12:28
[720p] 丛林有情狼3:伟大的狼游戏 Alpha.And.Omega.3.The.Great.Wolf.Games.2014.720p.BluRay attachment heatlevel  ...23456..11 HDCHD 2014-3-30 1058208 lxysky149 2015-5-19 17:01
[720p] 风 Come.Il.Vento.aka.Like.The.Wind.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..17 HDCHD 2014-3-30 1658373 sjlonely 2015-9-12 19:51
[720p] 西游记之大闹天宫[粤语简体字幕]The.Monkey.King.2014.720p.HDTV.x264-HDWTV 4.53G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..30 HDCHD 2014-3-30 29718177 netpp6 2017-3-6 23:17
[720p] 初恋的回忆 A.Walk.to.Remember.2002.720p.BluRay.X264 4.37G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 HDCHD 2014-3-30 705161 lxysky149 2015-5-19 17:03
[720p] 毒醉心迷 Better Living Through Chemistry 2014 BluRay 720p DTS CHD x264 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-3-30 1359199 lxysky149 2015-5-19 17:04
[720p] 火山对对碰 Le Volcan 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 3.62G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-3-30 846499 lxysky149 2015-5-19 17:04
[720p] 黑帮追缉令 [中英双语字幕] Bad Country 2014 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 3.78G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..10 HDCHD 2014-3-30 938110 Andy095 2016-12-12 13:00
[720p] 男子高中生的日常[中文字幕]Daily Lives of High School Boys 2013 720p BluRay 3.69G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-3-30 867747 nicolasherry 2018-9-30 10:04
[720p] 胜利 Jai.Ho.2014.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 6.54G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-3-29 807894 linqiang88389 2022-5-3 19:41
[720p] 战西盘岛 1939.Battle.Of.Westerplatte.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 4.36G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..12 HDCHD 2014-3-29 1168227 zwdzyr2014 2016-5-15 22:38
[720p] 机密复仇者:黑寡妇与惩罚者 Avengers.Confidential.Black.Widow.And.Punisher.720p attachment heatlevel  ...23456..14 HDCHD 2014-3-29 13214302 yushaofly 2021-8-14 22:07
[720p] 西游记之大闹天宫/大闹天宫 The Monkey King 2014 720p WEB-DL x264 AC3 3.87G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..38 HDCHD 2014-3-29 37319078 netpp6 2017-3-6 23:14
[720p] 莫比乌斯 [谨慎下载] Moebius 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..33 HDCHD 2014-3-29 32124247 竹椅 2025-2-3 17:16
[720p] 狂舞派 [国粤双语] The Way We Dance 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 4.37G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-3-28 15313785 蛋挞人 2016-9-11 02:16
[720p] 鬼影实录:诅咒 Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones 2014 EXTENDED 720p BluRay attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 HDCHD 2014-3-28 868098 lxysky149 2015-5-19 17:13
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