收藏本版 (159)

720P高清电影区 今日: 0|主题: 7136|排名: 3 

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[720p] 无极 [国粤双语] The.Promise.2005.Blu-ray.720p.x264.DD51 6.45G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..37 HDCHD 2014-6-14 36723908 你把我灌醉 2024-2-17 12:34
[720p] 明星雇员 Employee of the Month 2006 720p BluRay DTS x264 4.35G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..21 HDCHD 2014-6-14 2078111 lxysky149 2015-5-8 18:36
[720p] 隔山有眼2 The.Hills.Have.Eyes.II.2007.Unrated.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264 4.37G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..37 HDCHD 2014-6-14 36514417 943936 2025-2-18 20:18
[720p] 如沐爱河 Like Someone in Love 2012 720p BluRay DD5 1 x264 4G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..16 HDCHD 2014-6-13 15310426 mjhsu 2016-7-14 23:31
[720p] 太极张三丰[国粤英三语][中字]The.Tai-Chi.Master.1993.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3 6.2G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..47 HDCHD 2014-6-13 46826617 Sonny 2023-12-31 22:39
[720p] 炎之舞 [国日双语] Dances of Flame 1978 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 7G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2014-6-13 1437418 wsj000 2020-7-14 06:42
[720p] 阿基尔,上帝的愤怒 Aguirre the Wrath of God 1972 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-6-13 19411297 smcydxh 2016-3-14 16:32
[720p] 折磨 Afflicted 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 3.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..21 HDCHD 2014-6-13 20213727 lxysky149 2015-5-8 18:45
[720p] 挡不住的奇迹[加长版]That.Thing.You.Do.1996.EXTENDED.720p.BluRay.X264 6.56G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..13 HDCHD 2014-6-13 1259215 5053503 2015-11-16 01:16
[720p] 宿敌/一个敌人 Enemy 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..49 HDCHD 2014-6-13 48821914 wang6807125 2020-4-3 15:53
[720p] 限时追捕 Out of Time 2003 720p Blu-ray DD5 1 x264 7.5G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-6-12 31618143 qiutangtang2001 2022-9-13 17:48
[720p] 索多玛120天 Salò.or.The.120.Days.of.Sodom.1975.CC.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3 8.16G - [阅读权限 10]attachment heatlevel  ...23456..73 HDCHD 2014-6-12 7298214 cjbxcx 2023-5-14 05:33
[720p] 人皮客栈2 Hostel Part II 2007 720p BluRay DTS x264 4.37G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..39 HDCHD 2014-6-11 38521807 fenwickfeng 2023-8-30 13:54
[720p] 魔警 [国粤双语][中文字幕]That.Demon.Within.2014.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-HDW 6.37G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..111 HDCHD 2014-6-11 110032421 rino26120 2016-12-4 20:43
[720p] 魔警 [国粤双语] That Demon Within 2014 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..45 HDCHD 2014-6-11 44220802 危大叔 2022-11-4 21:12
[720p] 厨子戏子痞子 The Chef the Actor the Scoundrel 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5.45G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 HDCHD 2014-6-10 25213893 大作雄风 2023-7-21 22:24
[720p] 银魂剧场版:新译红樱篇[国粤日三语][中字]Gintama The Movie 2010 720p BluRay 3.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..26 HDCHD 2014-6-10 25611177 Jamyu 2017-12-8 14:08
[720p] 国宝疑云 Stealing.Legend.2014.720p.WEB-DL.x264.AAC-HDW 2.8G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-6-10 31716771 lxysky149 2015-5-9 18:31
[720p] 东邪西毒:终极版[国粤语][中字]Ashes.of.Time.Redux.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS 6.3G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..69 HDCHD 2014-6-9 68431867 风-破浪 2024-9-10 10:59
[720p] 狼溪2 Wolf Creek 2 2013 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 4.83G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..40 HDCHD 2014-6-9 39716148 a5043219 2015-10-5 13:53
[720p] 抢劫暴徒 Rob the Mob 2014 BluRay 720p AC3 x264-CHD 4.36G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..31 HDCHD 2014-6-8 30620892 zhanying 2015-9-20 05:24
[720p] 致命玩笑3 Joy Ride 3 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..40 HDCHD 2014-6-8 39522714 leopold927 2015-9-10 18:03
[720p] 乔/乔与男孩 Joe 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 6G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-6-7 19113148 lxysky149 2015-5-9 18:37
[720p] 黑执事 [中文字幕] Black Butler 2014 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5.13G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..33 HDCHD 2014-6-7 32421639 wang6807125 2020-4-3 15:51
[720p] 似人非人 Almost Human 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 3.5G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..28 HDCHD 2014-6-6 27413816 lxysky149 2015-5-9 18:39
[720p] 乔/乔与男孩 [尼古拉斯·凯奇] Joe 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..33 HDCHD 2014-6-6 32914701 zwdzyr2014 2015-11-19 20:33
[720p] 冬天的故事/冬日传奇 Winters.Tale.2014.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-HDW 5.2G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..27 HDCHD 2014-6-6 26717068 appachi 2016-7-1 09:31
[720p] 300勇士: 帝国崛起 300.Rise.of.an.Empire.2014.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-HDW 6G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..107 HDCHD 2014-6-6 106543412 wolf85416 2020-9-7 15:46
[720p] 布达佩斯大饭店 The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..96 HDCHD 2014-6-6 95339379 兔巴哥 2021-8-30 15:38
[720p] 冬天的故事/冬日奇缘(港) Winters Tale 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 5G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..27 HDCHD 2014-6-6 26111952 游荡的风儿 2016-4-17 12:42
[720p] 澳门风云 [国粤双语] From Vegas to Macau 2014 BluRay 720p AC3 2Audio x264-CHD 5G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..42 HDCHD 2014-6-6 41121228 ilove777 2022-2-26 17:18
[720p] 300勇士: 帝国崛起 300: Rise of an Empire 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 5.5G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..93 HDCHD 2014-6-6 92335635 028lawzenglei 2022-3-28 22:50
[720p] 赌城风云/澳门风云[国粤双语]From Vegas to Macau 2014 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5.46G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..35 HDCHD 2014-6-6 34615968 Gstorm 2018-9-26 22:21
[720p] 蒙羞之旅/腥光大道 Walk of Shame 2014 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 5G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..44 HDCHD 2014-6-5 43725105 天钓谁 2019-9-22 12:36
[720p] 300勇士:帝国崛起 300 Rise of an Empire 2014 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 6G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..46 HDCHD 2014-6-5 45223062 q1240911960 2019-1-25 22:36
[720p] 厨戏痞 The Chef the Actor and the Scoundrel 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 5.5G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..25 HDCHD 2014-6-5 24312478 lxysky149 2015-5-9 19:41
[720p] 深夜调频/深夜的FM Midnight FM 2010 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 4.37G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..15 HDCHD 2014-6-4 1448014 lxysky149 2015-5-9 19:42
[720p] 迷失东京 [国英双语]Lost in Translation 2003 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5.92G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..29 HDCHD 2014-6-4 28214809 huwujian 2020-8-1 04:46
[720p] 匹夫 [黄晓明 张译 张歆艺]Eastern Bandits 2012 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 5.46G 字幕 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..23 HDCHD 2014-6-4 22614745 nikopolidis 2020-6-22 02:40
[720p] 13骇人游戏/13宗罪 13 Sins 2014 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 4.37G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..32 HDCHD 2014-6-4 31313533 reno1228 2016-9-19 17:22
[720p] 大师之书 Kniga.masterov.2009.720p.BluRay.x264 6.5G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..25 HDCHD 2014-6-4 2409157 lxysky149 2015-5-13 14:43
[720p] 老枪/誓不两立 [双语] Le vieux fusil 1975 BluRay 720p DTS 2Audio x264-CHD 5.36G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..41 HDCHD 2014-6-4 40522359 闪烁星空 2021-12-28 18:37
[720p] 三个白痴 [国印双语][中英字幕]3 Idiots 2009 RERiP 720p BluRay x264 DTS-WiKi 9.5G attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..42 HDCHD 2014-6-4 41524607 aliou 2022-2-1 16:31
[720p] 纯净脆弱的心[中文字幕]Beyond the Memories 2013 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 6G attachment heatlevel  ...23456..20 HDCHD 2014-6-3 19413416 panzhenpeter 2016-2-16 17:17
[720p] 深夜调频/深夜的FM Midnight FM 2010 BluRay 720p AC3 x264-CHD 4.36G 字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 HDCHD 2014-6-3 24513310 5053503 2017-4-27 17:20
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